Poland Mission Trip

Share the Love of Christ through English Camp and Building Project.

Add to CalendarPoland Mission TripShare the Love of Christ through English Camp and Building Project.Lubin and LegnicaMM/DD/YYYYAmerica/Chicagotrue06/08/2017

Friday, July 28, 2017 - Wednesday, August 09, 2017

Email Event Coordinator, Joyce Wiersma

Do you speak English? The Poles are eager to talk to YOU. Do you love to tell others about Jesus? It's easy to share the love of Christ with the beautiful people of Poland. Whether your gift is teaching English, or just conversing in English, working with children, or directing activities, the English Camp in Legnica NEEDS YOU!

Our missionaries Bruce and Linda Thomas are coordinating a big project that will draw many students of English during a week of intensive language instruction. Poles are hungry to perfect their English speaking skills. This week of English Camp will help the Thomases and their team to grow their English Language School, which is the perfect springboard for developing deeper relationships which can lead to opportunities to lead people to Jesus.

Are you gifted in construction work? In the nearby town of Lubin a church is being built, and they can use your expertise. Dry walling, truss building and general construction will keep you busy as you help prepare the building for the next big step of roofing. As you work side-by-side with men from the Polish church you will not only build a church, you will have opportunity to build one another up in the faith of Christ.

Cost: To Be Determined 

Please fill out the short-term missions team application if you would like to join us.